Hear Our Stories
Below is a monument to the wonderful people who make Snow Approach Foundation into the center of community and change that it is. We are a community of people from all backgrounds and brain changes; this is who we are!
Every Wednesday, we cover a new story from one of our folks. To see them first, sign up for our weekly send-outs here: https://snowapproach.org/news-events/mailing-list.html
Autumn's Story

Autumn’s story with Snow Approach shows the instant impact our care and education can have across generations. She is a part of the next generation of care! Because of your support, Autumn has the ability to join Snow Approach in our radical movement of care!
Louise's Story

Louise first came to Snow Approach after being diagnosed in early 2024. She volunteers time nearly every day here at our space, giving and receiving support. Care is a bridge between two people, and your donations help keep that bridge open! Become a sustainer below and give our folks the space they rightfully deserve!